Just to keep you all on your toes and in case you are getting bored with travel photos of Italy...
How do we all feel about colored toilet paper?
Black? Orange? Yellow and Green?
What happened to just white?
Maybe I am behind the times. Are designers matching toilet paper to bathrooms?
When did this happen?
Life used to be so easy just grabbing the toilet paper on sale- now we have to worry about 1 ply-2ply- what is GREEN for the earth and now colors! It is enough to make ones head spin.
Happy Friday!
Check out this great post on toilet paper that Beth of CHINOISERIE CHIC posted- I actually have to agree that the black paper with the red chinoisere does look fab! Love red and black together. It is good to know that is is 3 ply- biodegradable and non toxic...
Thanks so much Beth for sharing!
Ohhh... I.... eeeekkk.... not sure.... makes me feel uncomfortable. Certainly not the black.
sometime in the mid 60s there were prints and pastels-
Scott is the only one for me-
in solid white-
yes - uncomfortable, soodie! Just like black toilets which I can't stand! Why mess with a good thing?
Plus, i doubt those dyes are very earth or human friendly!
EEEEeeeeek . . . black toilet paper just seems kinda creepy . . . lol.
Grant-This is so weird. I was going to do a post on this today on Chinoiserie Chic on how great the red or black would look in a Chinoiserie powder room and even had the post all ready to go and I chickened out. You are a braver soul than I ! ;) I would absolutely use this in the right powder room. I have a picture I will send you. Have a lovely weekend!!
A) There is no way we could tire of reliving your Italian romp!!!!
B)Its not jet lag, it's impeccable taste, that has you questioning this.
Now I have to be a little icky but here's an excellent question via my first Grant love, my godson Grant 10, whom you adore..
(when he was 6 my mom indicated to a victorian house..."look at the purple house" & he politely responded..."actually that's mauve, Liz." And he was correct!!!)
"If its a dark color how do you know if you've wiped enough? Please thats just stoopid!!!"
Feel free to eidt out Grant & his question if you feel its questionable. I almost wondered myself.
Have a lovely weekend.
Seriously this is a first. Yikes! Not sure what to think?
White, soft, no scent, no dye, pure and simple for me, please!
Not jet lag. Time warp! Charmin basic at this house. Better for older plumbing.The house, I mean!
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