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Thursday, August 27

What happens when you mix tea and henna?

A strange new cocktail? No?
A big mess? Well- yes- but...

A whole lot of fun!

Pacific Heights client-
Had the drive way re-done a few months back and the problem was that it just looked "too new" with that grey-blue like hue.

So the morning was spent brewing large stock pots of black tea and then mixing up a batch of henna to pour that over the driveway as well.

How very "green" (they do this in Japan I am told)- the client is on vacation and coming back over the weekend- I hope that they like the results- subtle- I hope that they even notice!

Nothing like getting down and dirty in the gutters of Pacific Heights! Some very strange looks- that's for sure!
It keeps the days fun and exciting (and helps the creative Martha Stewart in me)!


Phillip Parton said...

Wonderful idea! Reminds me of the late, great Geoffrey Bennison, who liked to wash his chintzes in tea for instant age and patina.

Laura Casey Interiors said...

I can certainly tell a difference, well done. I agree, getting into it like that is fun.

La Maison Fou said...

Very cool! Just enough age!

Pigtown*Design said...


My Notting Hill said...

So creative! It looks great. Somewhat unrelated but it remindes my that I dyed white lace (for my wedding) w/tea so it would be ivory. It worked great.

Kalee said...

How great!


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