(Don't worry, for all of you who have been watching the process and all of my peeks of the space, I promise that there will be more photos up very soon. I can't wait to share the end results of my "teenage dream")
Now that the weekend is here, to be honest, what I am really looking forward to the most is having some ME time. Relaxing around the house. A trip to the farmers market, making lattes at home (did I mention I have a new espresso machine?), walking the dogs, going out for dinner with good friends on Saturday night and catching up on stacks of old New Yorkers, and piles of design magazines.
I know that I have mentioned before how I just love the touch and feel of a REAL magazine (no offense to you online publications- that I also adore). There is something just so wonderful about popping on the sofa and just day dreaming and getting caught up in the stories and photos. This is my plan, for sure, this weekend.
The print magazine is really in danger of going away unless we keep supporting them and purchasing them. It's really important to keep it alive. There is a place for online media, but I do believe that print is not dead. This is the motto of a very special new project that I am excited to share with you.

A brand new magazine has just launched. No, it's not online. It's the real deal. You can touch it and hold it and turn the pages. Have you heard of Anthology? It's brand new, hot off the press and here to stay.
Announcing the premiere issue of Anthology — where editors Anh- Minh Le and Meg Mateo Ilasco have just put together a labor of love to create this fantastic new independent publication. It has travel. It has design. Featuring projects in Louisiana, Los Angeles, travel tips in Park City and one of my design projects!
I am really excited to share this project, as it is a little bit different from some other things that I have done before. It really has a much more modern twist to it. What makes this story interesting, is that it is a very small living room and it shows how we worked on creating an alternative seating grouping to really make the space work. The space was rather small and a sofa just overpowered the space- so I went with a several chairs and stools to create the space. I am also excited as this is my first published article that I wrote!
(You can click on the images below to read the article)

I am beyond thrilled to spend time this weekend savoring every page. You can find the magazine in San Francisco, and select locations around the world- (including Sweden and New Zealand).
CLICK HERE for a link of where to buy. The good news is that you can also buy a subscription to support an independent magazine.
Check out the website or find them on facebook and twitter too.
What a great gift for everyone on your holiday gift list?
If you happen to be in the bay area next week- make sure to check out the launch party that they are throwing at West Elm in Emeryville.
Hope to see you at the event!

WHEN: Thursday, November 11th, 7-9pm
WHERE: West Elm, 5602 Bay Street in Emeryville
RSVP by 11/8 to www.WEanthologyevent.com or 1-877-879-8950
Join for desserts, refreshments, and savings. West Elm will be
offering 20% off all purchases made during the party, with 10% of
sales benefiting 826 Valencia. Guests will also receive a special
gift + coupon for 20% off their next WE purchase.
(Please note that once you submit your RSVP at
www.WEanthologyevent.com, a confirmation page will not appear. The
submit button will however become shaded out.)
Would you like to win a FREE subscription to Anthology? Leave a comment for me (one entry per person). To show you just how much I believe in the publication and printed media- I will buy you a subscription myself for a year. I know that you will just love it!
Tell me what it is about magazines that you love? What do you like about printed magazines the most? I can't wait to hear what you have to say. I will choose a random winner on Wednesday, November 10th. I know that you all love a good contest. Rumor has it that I have another pillow giveaway coming up very soon too!
Hope that you have a great weekend. I am going to be enjoying reading this premiere issue of Anthology. What are you going to be doing?
Well Grant, I just hope I can find this magazine in Vancouver or...be so lucky to have a free subscription??? I have piles and piles of old magazines, all of them on Interior design and at times I go through some 10 years old ones just to see what is still valid today (plenty actually). I read online of course but as you said having a real magazine (books for me need to be paper)is priceless. Have a slow week-end!
I never win anything, but maybe this will be my lucky day. I'd love to see this magazine in person.
Those are extremely nice chairs in the living room, and they probably stand out a lot better with no sofa, since they have room to breathe.
Can you share your barn door hardware source/maker/model? It l've been looking for an unobtrusive system like that. Most seem to have huge wheels and stick out from the wall by a few inches.
WHAT an amazing transformation!
What I love about this is that you really are a designer who is showing us what you can do and thinking outside of the box and in a whole new style.
You my friend, are one to keep an eye on. No wonder Elle Decor has named you as one to watch.
A huge fan
@ S@sha-
I would check out: http://www.barndoorhardware.com/ and have something custom made
What I have done in this case is attach the painting to the wheels and the painting (to the wooden stretcher) then it covers the track and wheels that don't look so great.
Then paint the metal track with a special enamel paint (so it bakes to the metal) with the use of the track going back and forth. By painting the track- especially in this case it blends in with the molding and you hardly notice it.
Good luck with project!
Sounds like a great publication Grant.
I would luv to see between the pages....
So there were visible wheels, and you just hid them. Makes sense. Thanks!
Oh my goodness, this looks fantastic!! I am on my iPhone and cant wait to get home to get a better look. I just did a post about what I like so much about printed magazines on my blog, but my FAVORITE thing is digesting all the articles, and then tearing out my favorite projects /home designs/ recipes/ etc. And then organizing it all in my inspiration binder.
Thanks for sharing with us!
I am so sorry I missed youthis week. I was planning to come down on Tuesady, but was feeling under the weather. I am coming down Tursday to see the Showhouse and to come tot he Anthology launch! Fantastic project!!!! Fantastic magazine. (You don't have to put my name in the hat....I am gladly subscribing!) Congrats on all the great stuff happening in your life. Well deserved. Looking forward to seeing you next week!
So good seeing you Wednesday. And well all that hard work paid off. The Edward crazed Tween room is off the chart... such a success. Enjoy my friend.
Another event... Emeryville. Hmmm. Let me see if I can make this one.
This magazine looks like it is going to be absolutely divine...there really isn't anything like a real magazine and a glass of wine. Love it!
Hi Grant,
I have to say, I am with you completely. I love my design magazines and look forward to checking this one out! You just can't curl up with your computer, like you can with a magazine. I have saved all of mine over the years and probably look like a hoarder for it!
Grant I would adore a subscription to this magazine, I know it will be amazing.
Last night I attended the Book Signing at Parrin & Co where Emily Evans Eardman launched "The World of Madeleine Castaing'.....so fun!I am cherishing my copy!
Art by Karena
I would love to have a new magazine to hold and flip through! I so miss the ones that have gone away. My current favorite is house beautiful but I am certainly willing to read orders!
Lynn Ogburn
Sent from my iPad
Can't wait to get it!!!
Suzanna Allen
No,print is not dead and Anthology looks beautiful! Can't wait to see pics of your room! Congrats on your much deserved success!
Congratulations Grant on both the showcase and your article in Anthology!
I am with you, I want to touch and feel a magazine. What great news that print is back, and I was excited to learn that Anh-Minh is the Editor in Chief. She is so talented and deserves to flex her creative muscle.
I love to sit in bed, with the magazines spread all around me. I have a large cup o'Joe on the table beside me, and my Ipad. I use the IPad to look up any new websites or pieces of furniture that I see and am fond of in the print. I rip pages and I place sticky notes with thoughts on why I like a particular room. They are thrown all over the covers. It isn't an organized endeavor, I guess you could call it organized chaos! I especially love the articles where the designer has written well about the rooms and shows a love and richness of the concept that he/she was going for and has achieved. How could we live without these pages turning? I can't see it.
Grant! Congratulations on the room.
I hope to see the show house during November when I am in SF.
All my best to you,
I am so happy to know that talented and creative minds are not abandoning print media. I still adore the touch, feel, flipping of pages, ear marking ones I'll come back to. I would be thrilled to support Anthology, as I do so many others!
And, I can not wait to see that girl's bedroom!!! That wallpaper is amazing!
~ Elizabeth
You are on fire and so is that wallpaper...to die for! It's going to be a fantastic room.
Great to hear of a new magazine, it looks like a good one.
And, YES to thank-you notes! Is there anything more wonderful than receiving one in the mail?
I certainly hope print is not dead! I don't care how high tech we become, nothing can replace actually holding in your hands and enjoying a magazine with brilliant photography produced on shiny pages accompanied by good copy/writing!
Loved looking at your article in this post--the barn door mounted painting is brilliant! I hope I can find the magazine here in Phoenix, or maybe I'll be lucky enough to win....
Life is quite busy lately, and I am so looking forward to finding some time around the holidays to sit with some magazines and a glass of wine or cup of tea.
Thanks for this post; I always enjoy your blog and seeing seeing your name written up as one to watch.
Dear Mr. Gibson,
Like to read mags on the sofa...
...which I could not do
... in a sofa-less room!
(But you make me entertain the thought - perhaps I'd read them on the floor.)
Adored the interview on The Skirted Roundtable and had to come over after seeing PVE's stunning painting of your showhouse room.
Will be following!
hello grant!
visiting your blog for the very first time (official fan)! i'm a recent elle decor subscriber, and love every page. that's where your beautiful work popped up. lovely to be introduced to such a fabulous aesthetic.
and...thrilled to see that someone out there is brave and passionate enough to start up a design mag in today's app world. looking forward to checking it out! what do i love about print?! strangely enough, the smell. like an old book or a favorite blanket, a fresh, right out of my mailbox, magazine has the best smell. i love my macbook, but she's just not the same. many thanks for this post...print is not dead!
take care,
courtney ballard
Congratulations Grant... really like the barn-door slide for the painting
Carla Aston of Design in the Woods is the winner of the subscription to Anthology.
Congrats to Carla!
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