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Sunday, January 11

Baby shower Sunday!

When I first moved to San Francisco (eeek...6 years now)...I had the pleasure of meeting one one of the greatest people- Paige Porter (now-Paige Porter Fisher) for a long cup of coffee and we became fast friends. Over the years Paige has written about me (she is the west coast editor for Better Homes and Gardens- and the first person from a magazine to publish me and my little studio apartment that I lived in)- we have taken road trips-I was able to attend her amazing wedding in Natchez, Mississippi- we have gone to countless movies (sneaking Wheat Thins and Diet Cokes in)- had flea market adventures-she flew to NY and surprised me for my birthday-and even used to be my neighbor (which is actually a funny story in how I was invited to her place for dinner and she made pizza with so much CHEESE- which I adore-and she was watering the plants of her neighbor who was moving out while I was at dinner- and I just feel in love with the apartment and ended up moving in! I have spend the last years restoring and decorating the place and most recently took over the ground floor of the building for my office and live above). So to me this post is extra special to me as if were not for Paige I wouldn't live where I do and have such a wonderful office are a few photos of Paige's baby shower in the office from this afternoon! Can't wait to find out if it is a boy or girl!


pve design said...

What a sweet and endearing post. I think during these times, friends and new life mean more than all the money in the world. Warmest wishes to the newborn, happy & healthy entry. Of course, you will be there shedding tips and showering the baby with your friendship. What a lovely tribute to the baby.

Style Court said...

I like the citrus in the urn! It is such a warm post as Patricia VE said.


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