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Tuesday, June 16

Construction projects!

We do a lot of kitchen and bathroom remodels for our clients- and it is always stressful for my office working with clients who are without a space for a period of time. It really puts the pressure on to get the job done.

We just embarked on a major kitchen project in a spectacular Julia Morgan house here in San Francisco on Monday.
Now the client will be without a kitchen for about three months (cross your fingers PLEASE!)

We always try to go out of our way to make sure that they client knows what the consequences of living without a kitchen really means. So we always try to set up a little mini kitchen somewhere in the house with a small fridge and a microwave and coffee maker and a little table with a bowl of fresh fruit and snacks like crackers and cookies set out. Little water bottles and sodas and a bottle of champagne with a note with pre congratulations wishes.

This is just what we do- but when I was looking through my article binders today I came across what New York designer- David Carfiero offered his client Chloe Sevigny while remodeling her bathroom. It totally made me smile and remember why I saved this. I love how it is a little extreme as well!

If you were a client and going through a construction project and had to live in your house while it was going on- what would you want to make you feel better?


Pigtown*Design said...

drugs and alcohol!

we renovated a row house ages ago and didn't have a kitchen for about six months, so we opened a running tab at the bar down the street. we also didn't have stairs to the 2nd floor for months. not too much fun going up and down a ladder in a dress and stockings.

at least we were young and foolish and doing the work ourselves.

Scott Fazzini said...

Oh my that is fantastic! I can just picture her standing in that tub showering. Of course when I picture it she's wearing a darling little bathing suit and cap!

Beth Connolly said...

Meg stole my answer-champagne and meds for sure!

Brillante Interiors said...

I did live in a house under renovations for six months and we had a mini kitchen (like the one you find on small boats)as you mentioned, in a small room that served as living, dining, cooking, relaxing and at time laughing! Life could be much worse! We also have several bathrooms so we always had one not under renovation. I am sure Ms. Sevigne' could afford an hotel and does she have one bathroom only? hard to believe! Champagne helps but mostly a wise vision of life with everything in perspective. Great post, Grant, and I am sure everything will work great for this project.

Chic Coles said...

People are not the only ones displaced by construction animals are also. I am always happy when I have workers in the house that are kind to the dogs. I would have a big bag of dog treats for the crew to hand out to the dogs so that everyone can be happy and calm. Keep all the barking to a minimum, maybe even offer a walk once in a while. The dogs maybe be in crates for the first time and there a lot of people coming and going. Safety and the dogs happiness are always my number one priority.

Alicia said...

Done the no kitchen thing. Gracious neighbors, a small great cafe down the street & many moments kitchen will be a vision after the disaster...over & over & over.....


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